What is xerostomia?
Xerostomia is a condition related to the salivary glands. Saliva helps keep your mouth moist and helps to prevent tooth decay and other oral health problems. When salivary glands do not work properly, the amount of saliva in the mouth decreases resulting in xerostomia - more commonly known as dry mouth.
What causes dry mouth?
Prescription and over-the-counter medications are the most common cause of dry mouth. Some of the medications that cause dry mouth are used to treat common medical problems such as high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Dry mouth can also be caused by radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal alterations, and diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease and Alzheimer's disease. Other contributing factors include stress, anxiety, depression and disfunction of the immune system.
What are the signs and symptoms of a dry mouth?
Symptoms of dry mouth may include the following:
- Increased need to sip or drink fluids when swallowing.
- Burning sensation or soreness in the mouth.
- Diminished or altered sense of taste.
- Sleep interruptions due to thirst.
- Tooth decay.
- Gingivitis.
If you experience any of the symptoms of dry mouth it is important to contact your dentist for an evaluation. A variety of methods are available to help you manage dry mouth. Your dentist my recommend using saliva substitutes, over-the-counter mouth washes, gels, and sprays. To ease discomfort your dentist may also recommend drinking plenty of water and chewing sugarless gum along with ensuring you are brushing and flossing at least twice daily and avoiding certain mouthwashes. In addition your dentist may suggest that you change your diet to avoid alcohol, smoking, citrus juices, dry foods and overly salty foods. For more information, speak with your dentist.